Recently, an internal event Taobao, Alibaba's Chairman Jack Ma stressed that the fight against fake goods, the Taobao must not be soft, because the emergence of counterfeit goods, the biggest victim of Taobao.
Ma said that consumers Maidaojiahuo Taobao first accused is not the sale of counterfeits of the company. However, Taobao is not a public security organ, can not grasp fake manufacturers, Taobao is not the business sector, can not revoke the business license fake manufacturers. However, Taobao must work out ways to stop the spread of counterfeit goods. Counterfeiting is a social, Taobao would like to grow and develop, to be fully combat counterfeiting. Taobao Ma called on all people who shoulder the responsibility to crack down on fake goods, "we do doctors, the tumor must be radical."
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